
$ benji backup --help
usage: benji backup [-h] [-u VERSION_UID] [-s SNAPSHOT] [-r RBD_HINTS]
                    [-f BASE_VERSION_UID] [-b BLOCK_SIZE] [-l label]
                    [-S STORAGE]
                    source volume

positional arguments:
  source                Source URL
  volume                Volume name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Unique ID of created version (will be generated
                        automatically if not specified)
  -s SNAPSHOT, --snapshot SNAPSHOT
                        Snapshot name (e.g. the name of the RBD snapshot)
  -r RBD_HINTS, --rbd-hints RBD_HINTS
                        Hints in rbd diff JSON format
                        Base version UID
  -b BLOCK_SIZE, --block-size BLOCK_SIZE
                        Block size in bytes
  -l label, --label label
                        Labels for this version (can be repeated)
  -S STORAGE, --storage STORAGE
                        Destination storage (if unspecified the default is

Simple Backup

A backup can be initiated with benji backup:


$BACKUP_SOURCE should be replaced by a URI specifying the backup source.``$BACKUP_NAME`` specifies the name given to the backup of this specific source and normally does not change when doing multiple backups of the same source. Different backups of the same source are differentiated by their version UID.

Currently supported schemes for backup sources are file and rbd. So real-world examples would look like this:

$ benji backup file:///var/lib/vms/database.img database
$ benji backup rbd:poolname/database@snapshot1 database


A backup at a specific point-in-time is called a version. Apart from a list of blocks a version has a number of fields describing it:

  • date: Date and time of the backup

  • uid: Unique identifier for this version (always starts with the letter V followed by a number with optional leading zeros)

  • name: Name as specified on the benji backup command line

  • snapshot: Snapshot name as specified on the benji backup command line with the --snapshot-name option

  • size: Size of the backed up image in bytes

  • block_size: Block size in bytes

  • valid: Validity of this version (either valid, invalid, or incomplete)

  • protected: Boolean flag indicating if this version is protected from removal

  • labels: List of label name, value pairs as specified on the benji backup command line with the --label option or by using benji label

You can output this data with:

$ benji ls
    INFO: $ benji ls
|         date        |     uid     | name | snapshot |     size | block_size | valid | protected | tags |
| 2018-06-07T12:51:19 | V0000000001 | test |          | 41943040 |    4194304 |  True |   False   |      |


It is possible to filter the output of benji ls with a filter expression. See Filter Expressions.

Differential Backup

Benji only backups changed blocks. It can do this in two different ways:

  1. By reading the whole image: Benji reads and calculates a checksum for each block. The checksum is then looked up in the database. If a block with the same checksum is found, only a reference to this block is saved. Otherwise a new block is created and saved to the storage. This is actually the deduplication of Benji at work.

  2. By using a hints file: The hints file is a JSON formatted list of (offset, size, usage) tuples (see The Hints File). Each tuple indicates if a specific region of the image is used at all or if it has changed relative to the last backup. The last backup is specified as a reference to an older version (called the base version). This base version must correspond to the snapshot of the last backup.

    The format of the hints file understood by Benji matches the output of rbd diff --format=json. If a hints file is specified Benji only reads and checksums blocks hinted at by the hints file. The checksum is then again looked up in the database. If a block with the same checksum is found, only a reference to this block is saved. Otherwise a new block is created and saved to the storage. The hints file is passed via the --rbd-hints option to benji backup. It is not Ceph RBD specific per se and could also be used in other scenarios like the backup of LVM snapshots.

    Benji does a partial sanity check on the provided hints by randomly picking a small percentage of blocks that should not have changed. If Benji detects that at least one block has changed after all the backup will not start and Benji will terminate.

    If a base version is specified the new version will reside in the same storage as the base version. If the user specifies a different storage than the storage of the base version directly on the command line or indirectly by setting the defaultStorage option in the configuration file Benji will terminate with an error.


If Benji detects that a backup source’s size has changed, Benji will assume that the image was extended at the end. This is normally the case when you resize partitions or when extending logical volumes or Ceph RBD images.


LVM and other images

Day 1 (Initial Backup):

$ lvcreate --size 1G --snapshot --name snap /dev/vg00/lvol1
$ benji backup file:///dev/vg00/snap lvol1
$ lvremove -y /dev/vg00/snap

Day 2..n (Differential Backups):

$ lvcreate --size 1G --snapshot --name snap /dev/vg00/lvol1
$ benji backup file:///dev/vg00/snap lvol1
$ lvremove -y /dev/vg00/snap


With LVM snapshots, the snapshot volume increases in size as the origin volume changes. If the snapshot is 100% full, it is lost and invalid. It is important to monitor the snapshot usage with the lvs command to make sure the snapshot does not fill up completely. The --size parameter defines the space reserved for changes during the snapshot’s existence. Snapshots of thin volumes don’t need the --size parameter, they use the space available in the pool to keep track of changes. Also note that LVM does read-write-write for any overwritten block while a snapshot exists. This may hurt your performance.

Ceph RBD

With Ceph RBD Ceph itself is able to calculate the changes between two snapshots. Since the Jewel version of Ceph this is a very fast process if the fast-diff feature is enabled on the RBD image and the --whole-object option of rbd diff is used. In this case only metadata has to be compared.


Unfortunately there have been numerous bugs in the implementation of the --whole-object option and some will lead to invalid backups under some circumstances:

Benji does not require this option and if a Ceph installation is affected by one of these bugs it can be left off. But this will reduce the performance of the rbd diff command.


In this example, we will backup an RBD image called vm1 which is in the pool pool.

  1. Creating an initial backup:

    $ rbd snap create pool/vm1@backup1
    $ rbd diff --whole-object pool/vm1@backup1 --format=json > /tmp/vm1.diff
    $ benji backup --snapshot-name backup1 --rbd-hints /tmp/vm1.diff rbd:pool/vm1@backup1 vm1


Supplying hints to Benji is useful even with an initial backup as the hints will indicate which blocks are used and which are unused and so sparse. This will speed up the backup process significantly depending on how many blocks are actually sparse.

  1. Creating a differential backup:

    $ rbd snap create pool/vm1@backup2
    $ rbd diff --whole-object pool/vm1@backup2 --from-snap backup1 --format=json > /tmp/vm1.diff
    # Delete old snapshot
    $ rbd snap rm pool/vm1@backup1
    # Identify the UID of the version corresponding to the last RBD snapshot
    $ benji ls 'name == "vm1" and snapshot == "backup1"'
    # And backup (replace V001234567 with the version UID you identified in the last step)
    $ benji backup --snapshot-name backup2 --rbd-hints /tmp/vm1.diff --base-version V001234567 rbd:pool/vm1@backup2 vm1

Benji includes an example Bash script scripts/ which automates the process outlined in the last section.

The general workflow of this script is:

  • When the backup of an RBD image is initiated, the latest RBD snapshot is looked up.


Only RBD snapshots that begin the prefix b- are considered. All other snapshots are left alone. This makes it possible to have other snapshots that will not be touched by Benji.

  • If no RBD snapshot is found, an initial backup is performed.

  • If there is an RBD snapshot, Benji is asked if it has corresponding version of this snapshot. If not, an initial backup is performed.

  • If Benji has a version of the snapshot, a hints file is created via rbd diff --whole-object <new snapshot> --from-snap <old snapshot> --format=json.

  • After that Benji only backups the changes as listed in the hints file.


This alone won’t be enough to be on the safe side. The validity of the backup data needs to checked regularly. Please refer to section Scrub.


There is also a number of Python modules in the benji.helpers package. The modules are independent from the rest of Benji’s Python modules and only call the command line interface of Benji.

  • benji.helpers.ceph: Implements the same functionality as the Bash scripts described in the previous section.

  • benji.helpers.utils: Utility functions used by other modules in the benji.helpers package.

  • benji.helpers.settings: Configuration variables used by other modules in the benji.helpers package derived from environment variables.

  • benji.helpers.kubernetes: Helper functions for interacting with Kubernetes (requires kubectl)

  • benji.helpers.prometheus: Helper functions and metric definitions for pushing metrics to a Prometheus pushgateway

Usage examples for these helpers can be found in images/benji-k8s/bin.


If you want to use them as the basis for your own scripts please make copies of the parts you need, so that you are not affected by changes in future versions of Benji.

Specifying a block size

To perform a backup Benji splits up the image into equal sized blocks. 1

By default the block size specified in the configuration file is used. But the block size can also be set on the command line on a version by version basis, but be aware that this will affect deduplication and increase space usage.

One possible use case for different block sizes is backing up LVM volumes and Ceph images with the same Benji installation. While for Ceph RBD four megabytes is usually the best size, LVM volumes might profit from a smaller block size.

If you want to base a new version on an old version (as it can be the case when doing a incremental backup) the block size of the old and new version must match. Benji will terminate with an error if this is not the case.

Labeling Versions

A version can have zero or more associated labels. A label consists of a label name and an optional label value. To specify a label the benji backup command provides the command line switch --label which can be repeated multiple times to set multiple labels at once.

$ benji backup –label –label rbd:cephstorage/test_vm test_vm

If no label value is specified it is set to an empty string.

Later on it is possible to add, change or remove labels with benji label:

$ benji label V0000000001

To remove a label specify its name followed by a dash (-):

$ benji label V0000000001

It is no error to change or remove a label which already exists or which does not exist anymore respectively.

The Hints File

Example of a hints file:


Except the last block which may vary in length.